Dark Eyes (Mohna And Nikel Ensemble)(excerpt) by Alexander-Schubert published on 2016-10-17T09:52:51Z For singer, electric guitar, saxophone, percussion, piano, electronics (& haze and light) 2015 Excerpt of the piece "Dark Eyes". Dark Eyes is part of the cycle "Supramodal Parser". The one-hour piece examines different aspects of ecstatic "letting-go” episodes through multi-sensory scenarios comparable to those experienced at extended techno events. It deals with both losing one’s self in at times overwhelming audiovisual input and, contrastingly, at times in an almost "frozen in time” / standstill environment. These settings intend to reflect different psychological states rather than create a club event to be danced to. It is a drive through personal perspectives on how to get lost. Video-Trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-HSCbF-rvs Info: http://www.alexanderschubert.net/works/Supramodal_Parser/index.php Photos: www.alexanderschubert.net/photos-supramodal.php Mohna: www.mohna.net/ Nikel Ensemble: www.ensemblenikel.com/ Ensemble Nikel: Saxophone: Patrick Stadler Electric Guitar: Yaron Deutsch Drums: Brian Archinal Piano & Keyboard: Antoine Francoise Voice: Mohna Commissioned by Wien Modern. Soon available on DVD. Photo (c)Markus_Sepperer Comment by wede sag JA stille verhaltenes schweigen 2020-01-14T22:10:36Z Comment by zylafon luv it 2016-10-18T16:30:03Z